Option B is false.

Infact there is reduced opening. The reduced opening of the mouth and fixation of the jaw are a result of involvement of the peri-temporomandibular joint tissues, and make dental care very difficult.

Bronze diabetes is diabetes mellitus associated with hemochromatosis, with iron deposits in the skin, liver, pancreas and other viscera.

Ans: B

Myositis ossificans: It is a condition in which fibrous tissue and heterotopic bone forms within the interstitial tissue or muscle, are usually asymptomatic and may be discovered accidentally. In some cases there is a mild discomfort associated with a progressive limitation of motion. It generally does not cause fracture of the bone.

Ans: B

Ans: C

Niacin deficiency causes a condition called Pellagra. The symptoms of pellagra are referred to as three Ds; dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia. The disease also progress in that order and if not treated may lead to 4th 'D' i.e., death. Pellagra is frequently observed in Hartnups disease and in Carcinoid syndrome.

Ans: B


Ans: A